Our team comprises of clinicians and experienced educators in the field of mental health. The team regularly contributes to communities of learning at the local institutes of higher learning (IHLs) and the Social Service Institute (SSI). We offer a variety of mental health trainings and workshops for Leaders and Employees. As scientist-practitioners, we believe in curating and bringing out content that is evidence-based and applicable to each context and setting. We are happy to work with you to understand your needs and develop a bespoke training programme or framework that is best suited for your company or community. We are experienced in facilitating team retreats and planning workshops for organisations too.
Some of the regular trainings that we deliver include:
A Basic Understanding of Mental Health
Creating Trust and Psychological Safety in Your Teams
Emotional Intelligence for Leaders
Moving From Transactional to Transformational Relationships
Manage Stress — Mental Wellbeing Amidst Uncertainty
Building Empathetic and Performing Teams
Art Therapy Workshop for Mindfulness and Self-Care
Drop us an email at enquiry@redwood.sg for a discussion of how we can help.